HOMENewsStorage conditions and importance of low hydrogen silicone oil

Storage conditions and importance of low hydrogen silicone oil

Time of release: 2024-04-25 10:04:45

Low-hydrogen silicone oil is a special type of silicone oil with certain chemical and physical properties. It is often used in lubrication, sealing, insulation and other fields. It plays an important role in industrial and scientific applications.


Importance of storage conditions
Storage conditions are critical to the quality and stability of low hydrogen silicone fluids. Poor storage conditions may cause the quality of low-hydrogen silicone oil to deteriorate or even lose its original performance.

Hydrogenated silicone oil manufacturer

ideal storage conditions
The ideal storage temperature of low hydrogen silicone oil is generally between 5 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius. Avoid high or low temperature environments to avoid affecting its stability and performance.


Low hydrogen silicone oil is more sensitive to humidity and should be avoided being stored in a humid environment. High humidity may cause low hydrogen silicone oil to become damp, affecting its lubrication effect and service life.


Light also affects the stability of low hydrogen silicone oil. It should be stored in a light-proof environment to prevent light from triggering chemical reactions and reducing its quality.


Container selection
Choosing the right storage container is very important. It is generally recommended to use glass bottles or opaque plastic bottles as storage containers, which can effectively block light and external moisture and keep the quality of low-hydrogen silicone oil stable.


avoid contamination
To ensure the purity and quality of low hydrogen silicone oil, contact with other chemicals should be avoided. When storing, care should be taken to avoid mixing in impurities, so as not to affect its performance and use.


Things to note during storage
When storing low-hydrogen silicone oil, the container should be kept closed as much as possible to avoid the entry of air and moisture. Regularly check storage conditions to ensure that temperature, humidity, etc. meet ideal requirements to maintain the quality and performance of low-hydrogen silicone oil.


Good storage conditions are critical to the quality and performance of low hydrogen silicone fluids. By controlling temperature and humidity, selecting appropriate containers and avoiding contamination, the quality of low-hydrogen silicone oil can be effectively protected, its service life can be extended, and it can ensure its best performance in various applications. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the above details when storing low hydrogen silicone oil to ensure its quality and stability. 

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