ДОМНовостиГидрогенизированное силиконовое масло оптимизирует эффективность обслуживания оборудования.

Гидрогенизированное силиконовое масло оптимизирует эффективность обслуживания оборудования.

Time of release: 2023-12-04 11:12:49

Гидрогенизированное силиконовое масло is a synthetic oil with excellent performance that is used in equipment maintenance and upkeep in many industrial fields. This oil has many unique physical and chemical properties that make it ideal for increasing equipment efficiency, reducing failures and extending equipment life.


Advantages of hydrogenated silicone oil
First, гидрогенизированное силиконовое масло has excellent thermal stability and chemical inertness, which means that it does not easily decompose in high temperatures or chemically reactive environments, thus protecting equipment components from damage. Secondly, hydrogenated silicone oil has a high viscosity index. Even under large temperature changes, it can maintain a relatively constant viscosity to ensure lubrication effect. In addition, hydrogenated silicone oil also has good hydrolysis resistance and low volatility, which helps reduce frequent replenishment due to oil consumption and lower maintenance costs.


Application of hydrogenated silicone oil in equipment maintenance

Improve lubrication effect
The most direct application of hydrogenated silicone oil is as a lubricant. In various mechanical equipment, such as gearboxes, bearings and chains, the use of hydrogenated silicone oil can effectively reduce the friction between metals, reduce the wear rate, and extend the service life of the equipment.


Protection and sealing
Hydrogenated silicone oil can also be used for equipment protection and sealing. Due to its excellent chemical stability and non-reaction with most materials, it can be used as a protective film to cover the surface of equipment to prevent corrosion and rust. At the same time, the sealing performance of hydrogenated silicone oil is also very good, which can effectively prevent dust and moisture from invading the inside of the equipment and reduce the risk of damage.


Clean and dehumidify
In terms of equipment cleaning and dehumidification, hydrogenated silicone oil has also shown its unique value. It dissolves and removes oil and other residue from your equipment and, because of its hydrophobic nature, helps shed moisture from equipment parts, preventing damage caused by moisture.


Long-term benefits of hydrogenated silicone oil
Using hydrogenated silicone oil for equipment maintenance can bring long-term economic benefits. Due to its superior performance, equipment failure rates will be significantly reduced, repair costs and downtime will also be reduced, thereby increasing production efficiency. In addition, hydrogenated silicone oils typically last longer than traditional mineral oils, which means they need to be replaced less frequently, reducing maintenance costs and environmental impact.


Лучшее гидрогенизированное силиконовое масло


производитель гидрогенизированного силиконового масла


If you don’t know which hydrogenated silicone oil to buy, you might as well try KBR-202. As a professional manufacturer of hydrogenated silicone oil, KBR can provide you with high-quality products and excellent services.


При катализе солей металлов он может образовывать мембрану путем сшивания при более низкой температуре и образовывать водонепроницаемую мембрану на поверхности различных материалов. И его можно использовать в качестве водонепроницаемой добавки в ткани, стекле, керамике, бумаге, коже, металле, цементном мраморе и других материалах, особенно в ткани. При взаимодействии эмульсии метилгидросиликонового масла и эмульсии метилгидроксильного силиконового масла, в дополнение к тому, что она является водонепроницаемой, она может сохранять газопроницаемость и повышать прочность на разрыв, прочность на трение и устойчивость ткани к пятнам, а также улучшать ее обработку. шовное исполнение ткани. Кроме того, его можно использовать в качестве разделительного агента и сшивателя бумаги.

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