HEIMNachrichtMethoden zur Verbesserung der Schmiereffizienz von hydriertem Silikonöl

Methoden zur Verbesserung der Schmiereffizienz von hydriertem Silikonöl

Time of release: 2023-11-27 11:11:27

Hydriertes Silikonöl is a silicon-based synthetic lubricant with a variety of excellent properties, such as high temperature stability, low volatility, and good electrical insulation. In order to further improve its lubrication efficiency, the following are several effective methods:


Choose the appropriate viscosity grade: Hydrogenated silicone oil can adapt to different working conditions depending on the viscosity grade. Higher viscosity grades are typically used for high loads and high temperature environments, while lower viscosity grades are suitable for high speed motion and low temperature environments. Correct selection of viscosity grade can ensure the best lubrication effect of hydrogenated silicone oil under various working conditions.


Adding anti-wear agents: Anti-wear agents can effectively reduce the friction and wear between hydrogenated silicone oil and metal surfaces and improve lubrication efficiency. Common antiwear agents include organophosphorus compounds and metal surfactants. Adding an appropriate amount of anti-wear agent can significantly improve the wear resistance of hydrogenated silicone oil and extend the service life of the equipment.


Keep it clean and oil-filled: Regularly replacing hydrogenated silicone oil and ensuring the cleanliness inside the equipment are important steps to improve lubrication efficiency. Sediments, impurities and dirt can affect the fluidity and lubrication effect of hydrogenated silicone oil. In addition, maintaining a proper oil-filled state can ensure that the hydrogenated silicone oil always remains at the required lubrication point during work, effectively reducing friction and wear.


Hydrogenated silicone fluids have a variety of uses, here are some of the main areas of application:


Machinery manufacturing industry: Hydriertes Silikonöl is widely used in the machinery manufacturing industry to lubricate sliding bearings, gears, chains and other components to reduce friction and wear. It can also be used as coolant and cutting fluid during metal processing to improve processing efficiency.


Automotive industry: Hydrogenated silicone oil is widely used in engine lubrication systems, transmission systems, braking systems and other components in the automotive industry. Its high temperature stability and oxidation resistance enable it to provide long-term lubrication protection under extreme operating conditions.


Electronic industry: Hydrogenated silicone oil has good electrical insulation properties and is therefore widely used in the insulation and cooling of electronic equipment. It can prevent the accumulation of heat generated by friction in electronic components and maintain the normal operation of the equipment.


Medical industry: Due to its low toxicity and biocompatibility, hydrogenated silicone oil is often used as a lubricant for medical devices, such as syringes and artificial joints.


Regarding the safety of hydrogenated silicone oil as a lubricant, the following points need to be noted:


Hersteller von hydriertem Silikonöl


Avoid contact with skin and eyes: Hydrogenated silicone oil has certain irritation, so it is necessary to avoid direct contact with skin and eyes. In case of accidental contact, please rinse with clean water immediately and consult a doctor.


Prevent swallowing: Hydrogenated silicone oil is toxic and should not be swallowed. If swallowed accidentally, seek medical attention immediately.


Follow safe operating procedures: When using hydrogenated silicone oil, relevant safe operating procedures should be followed to ensure proper ventilation and protective measures.


Das beste hydrierte Silikonöl

If you want to choose a high-quality hydrogenated silicone oil, KBR is your best choice. As a professional manufacturer of hydrogenated silicone oil, KBR can provide you with high-quality products and detailed ordering information. Welcome to contact us!

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